Witches’ spells often include a spoken component whether prayers, invocations or evocations, incantations, chants, or petitions addressed to the invisible realms. They can certainly be spontaneous but sometimes you might want to use something that was written by someone else with a particular talent for words.

Thankfully there are a number of helpful books filled with all sorts of inspiring and useful poems or poetic passages that work. Here are a few. And as always, you can often find used copies for sale at https://www.addall.com/used/ or ask at your local public library if you just want to borrow a copy to read. Ask the librarians if they will do an inter-library loan for you as well to bring in books from outside their local collection for you!
First, you’ll often find prayers, invocations etc. in books about practicing Wicca and witchcraft. Starhawk’s classic “The Spiral Dance” has some amazing material.
Wiccans in particular will find Doreen Valiente’s book “The Charge of the Goddess” helpful. It’s a collection of her poetry including the influential poem with the book’s title.
“Book of Hours: Prayers to the Goddess” and “Book of Hours: Prayers to the God” both by Galen Gillotte were also written specifically for Wiccans but will be helpful to other magical practitioners and Pagans as well.
“A Book of Pagan Prayer” by Ceisiwr Serith is chock-full of prayers covering a wide variety of topics and occasions, written for Wiccans and generic modern Pagans.
“The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning of the Year” by Caitlin Matthews is meant for Druids and modern Celtic Pagans but of course can be used by anyone of any path. It’s more about providing daily inspiration and ideas to contemplate but does provide some helpful prayers and incantations as well.
Pagan author Valerie Worth has written a number of inspiring collections of prayers and invocations covering a variety of needs. Look for her “Crone’s Book of Magical Words” in particular.
Three similar interfaith (covering many different faiths including Judaism, Christianity, as well as Pagan religions and many many others) collections that I’ve found helpful over the years are “Earth Prayers From Around the World” edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon, “Life Prayers” also by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon, and “Earth Poems: Poems From Around the World To Honor the Earth” edited by Ivo Mosley.
“The Pagan’s Muse: Words of Ritual, Invocation, and Inspiration” edited by Jane Raeburn is one of my favourites.
Occult publisher Scarlet Imprint occasionally publishes books of poetry that fit the bill as well for ritual use. Look for “Mandragora” and “Datura” both edited by Ruby Sara in particular.
And when you’re wanting to create your own prayers, invocations, chants, etc. there are some books with helpful tips for that, too. Look for “Composing Magic: How to Create Magical Spells, Rituals, Blessings, Chants and Prayers” by Elizabeth Barrette, and “Crafting Magick with Pen and Ink” by Susan Pesznecker.
And finally be sure to also check out Pagan magazines as they often publish poetry as well as articles. The now unfortunately defunct Circle Magazine has some material available on the (thankfully still quite active!) Circle Sanctuary website — you’ll find it at https://www.circlesanctuary.org/CIRCLE-Magazine-Articles
Another magazine that, like a phoenix, has at times disappeared and then later risen from the ashes anew is Green Egg magazine. You’ll find info on how to get the latest issue at https://greeneggmagazine.com
Enchanted Living magazine (formerly known as Faerie Magazine) is still producing issues. Find them at https://enchantedlivingmagazine.com — and you’ll find back issues available as free PDF downloads at https://enchantedlivingmagazine.com/a-gift-for-our-readers/
Another magazine similar to Enchanted Living is Witchology Magazine. https://www.witchologymagazine.com
Pagan Dawn is a magazine produced by and for the members of the Pagan Federation — an international organization providing networking, informational resources, and outreach services. The magazine’s webpage is at https://www.paganfed.org/pagan-dawn/
Another magazine to check out is Witches Magazine at https://www.witchesmagazine.com
And finally, there is also Witches&Pagans Magazine (which was born through the combining of two previous magazines called newWitch magazine and PanGaia magazine), and its sister magazine SageWoman, available through https://witchesandpagans.com/pagan-magazines.html
I’m sure there are more books and magazines out there but the ones listed here are all worth checking out!