(This is an excerpt from my book, “The Wiccan Mystic.” It’s from chapter four, following a section about critical thinking and healthy skepticism.) Don’t judge a book based on findings that came out after the book was published. Do judge a book based on the material that is presented. Note the worthwhile information while acknowledging other sources of newer or… Read more »
In recent news there has been a story making the rounds about a Maine resident, Phelan Moonsong, who wears a pair of horns on his head most of the time even when out in public. Moonsong got the attention of reporters when he was able to get a copy of his driver’s license (which he uses as ID, as he… Read more »
(This article is an excerpt from “The Wiccan Mystic.”) What Is Wicca? Current historical research suggests that Wicca is a modern Pagan religion first promoted by Gerald Gardner around the 1950s. Wiccan beliefs are structured on the practices of witchcraft as outlined by Gardner. Modern scholars such as Ronald Hutton, in his detailed and highly influential book “The Triumph of the… Read more »